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A 29 year old veteran who has seen enough battle to last a lifetime, Luke is tapped by the Special Response Team, a secretive new FBI agency (led by his mentor Don Morris) to tackle the most high-stake terrorism operations in the world.Luke, still haunted by his wartime past and newly married to an expecting Becca, is dispatched on a mission to Iraq, with his new partner Ed Newsam, to bring in a rogue American contractor. But what begins as a routine mission mushrooms into something much, much bigger.When the President’s teenage daughter, kidnapped in Europe, is ransomed by terrorists, Luke may be the only one in the world who can save her before it is too late. PrimaryTarget

他微微一笑时,只是个平凡少年,但是他冷冷一笑时,却是无常的追魂令。他的医术不仅能救人,更能杀人! 都市无上仙医

秋叶原,传说中的二次元圣地,这样的地方自然流传着各式各样的都市传说,但...那真的只是传说吗? 本是来此旅游的我夜幕下被不明男子袭击导致重伤濒死,在这危急关头,我的面前突然出现了一名少女,少女以接吻的... 秋叶原物语

他走进房间,宛如高高在上的王者,霸气十足:“你的任务,就是给我治病!” 纳尼?她又不是男科医生,不过是曾进错房,误踢了他一脚,又没伤着,这还赖上了? 他说身体看起来没问题,但具体的还要用实践检测! 检测第一步:天天“实践”,她必须乖乖陪在他身边直到他康复! 检测第二步:和气“生财”? 唯有你依然如旧

容我一生,许你长情容我一生,伴你长久容我一生,予你执手 白发同人文,容齐向甜饼主旨就一个字,甜 白发同人之容我一生

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